Sunday 11 February 2007

More WordPress Sites

Sunday 11th February 2007

Sent an email yesterday to Liz Sherwood with a few qustions

Hello Liz,

Just received your email and as a beginner would like to ask you a few questions.
I joined as a Dynamite Silver member and would welcome advice on EXACTLY what part
I personally should play in my success.

I have seen to choosing my niche and domain name and have posted to Netscape and Digg.

Do I or do you post to other social bookmarking sites? Do I forget about promoting
site one when I start on site two etc?

What exactly do 5K and 10K members do to earn their income levels? What affiliate programs
are attached to our sites? Can we promote them as well? When could I expect to see some
income from Adsense? I am on my 3rd site now.

Finally, what is all that about the 60 niche bonus?

All the best,
Don Driscoll

I expect a reply tomorrow. In the meantime I have created another site about cholesterol
www.fat-and-cholesterol I wonder if I can keep up with promoting the sites especially as I have discovered that my first site, which was not working a day or two ago , is now fully operational and will need posts to Netscape and Digg.